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fajna, miło się ogląda, bez polotu, ale fajna, taka p[rosta i funkcjonalna, nie przełączyłbym jej w TV. a poczekał na koniec,
inna niż reklamy plusa które mi się przejadły.
-Cześć Janek, jak tam?
-Spać(dobrze zrozumiałem :P?)
Literówka w 1 zdaniu 🙂
Dzięki name 🙂 Poprawione.
Kraków Główny 😀
Teraz nawet dzwonia pod numery, ktore dzwonily na numery wykorzystane w kampanii “przeniesieniowej”.
That’s a slick answer to a challenging question
Thanks for an incredible submit, can study your others content. thanks for your thinking within this, I experienced a bit strike by this text. Thanks again again! You make an excellent time. Portrays natures best by the fantastic data here. I think if a greater number thought of it like that, they’d have a very better time period have the suspend ofing the matter.
Liebe Uschi, meistens spüren die Menschen sehr gut, was ihre Tiere in dieser Phase des Lebens brauchen und möchten, und ich glaube, das wird bei dir nicht anders sein. Diesen Gefühlen zu vertrauen, ist in dieser Situation natürlich nicht leicht, und ich helfe gerne dabei, die Bedürfnisse des Tieres wahrzunehmen …
AHAHAHAHA!!!! LOL!!!!Axlman & Iilaiel, mi fate sbellicare!!!! XDAxlman:«pura Accademia della Crusca a giudicare da come conia i termini.»Direi proprio crusca-crusca……che si sa: stimola!Ecco perché i neologismi, più che coniarli, li… evacua direttamente! ;DUna perla (di Guttalax®) come “dare bado” non può essere nata diversamente!!!! XD
I havent seen the film personally, but read enough reviews, and saw the trailer to be sure – this is not my kind of film. Hollywood today is making movies on commercial purposes only – straight to the theaters, straight for the mass audience.
I just entered you contest. I saw it on the fan page. I would love to win this, I Had soooo much fun in my session with BRI and Stephanie and they made me feel so wonderful about myself that I would love to do it all over again. Also cause I’ve lost about 20 pounds since my session and feel great about it.